Why Door Drop Marketing Is Still a Highly Effective Channel in a Digital World

Paper Beats Digital

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At last, we have the scientific proof: print is better than digital!

Despite the enormous migration to electronic media, neuroscience research shows that paper-based content and ads offer special advantages in connecting with our brains.

How many times over the years have we have been told print is dead, Ceefax was going to kill newspapers, and videos were going to replace colour brochures? Now both theories were confined to history while print carried on.

But then the digital world exploded onto the scene, and it did look as though print had met its nemesis.

Marketing people began turning to electronic mail and the internet to sell their products and services. Some even openly disparaging print as old-fashioned and doomed. However, some savvy marketers continued to use print to sell products because they believed it still worked and worked better than digital.

Now science has proved us right.

This makes us feel as all map lovers would feel if science proved that maps are better than satnavs: because maps don’t talk to you in a condescending voice that makes you shout at them, and maps will not send you down an impassable farm track or over a cliff. OK, some satnavs are fine.

What we found

So, what is the scientific community telling us about printed messages being more effective than digital ones?

A study by a Canadian neuromarketing firm, TrueImpact, compared the effects of digital media in the form of display ads and email against a direct mail piece.

To carry out this test, the firm used two technologies. These two technologies were a high-resolution EEG that measured brain waves and eye-tracking techniques.

The critical metrics evaluated in this study were attention, persuasiveness and ease of understanding. In all three cases, the direct mail piece was found to be easier to process and proved to be better for brand recall mentally.

Those participants exposed to the direct mail piece had recall 70% higher than those exposed to the digital advert.

Now we cannot expect a mass exodus from digital marketing to direct mail and door drop leaflets. However, it proves that print-based advertising still has a significant part in the marketing plans of advertising managers across the land. And we cannot expect digital marketing to disappear either.

The future is going to be print and digital working together.

Any good direct mail piece or door drop leaflet must also have an online presence.

Despite the popularity of print in getting a sales message across, many people feel comfortable ordering from a website, and print can drive this valuable traffic to an online order or enquiry form.

However, a printed leaflet can only work if it has been carefully constructed. It must be well written, designed and printed by people who know their craft.

DOR-2-DOR can not only advise on where to distribute their printed marketing leaflets: we also provide copywriting, design and printing services, all of the highest quality.

Get in touch with us and let us make sure your leaflet distribution campaign achieves the high volume of orders your business deserves.

Download Our Free Guide

The Essential Guide to successful door drop marketing includes information on how to carry out leaflet drops effectively