How To Plan The Perfect Door Drop Campaign

leaflet drop planning

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Table of Contents

You can’t expect every person who receives your leaflet to be interested in what you are offering, so inevitably, some leaflets will go straight in the bin!

However, there are a few things you can do to ensure as many of your leaflets as possible are read and don’t go straight in the bin, ensuring you get the best return on your investment as possible from your door drop campaigns.

Planing The Perfect Door Drop Campaign

People can become disillusioned with the idea of door drop leaflets when they have not been well thought out and planned correctly in the first place.

Because door dropping looks like an easy way to attract clients and prospects, they believe it can be done without much thought or planning, but this is wrong! 

If you don’t know how to plan the perfect door drop campaign and you approach the campaign with very little planning or thought, you will not get the best return on your investment and a larger number of your leaflets will go in the bin.

Of course, smart advertisers know the truth. They know that when done properly, door dropping works well because they have done it and seen it deliver excellent response and healthy profits. They know what needs to be done to carry out a successful door drop campaign.

Get The Message Right

Whether you write your message yourself or get someone else to do it for you, make it simple and direct. Emphasise the benefits above features and ensure there is a call to action in place which is obvious to the reader (a telephone number, email address and a website URL if you have one).

These days an ever increasing number of people prefer ordering goods online or just checking out the company before making a call, so any company that does not have a website risks losing valuable business from people who favour online ordering. With this being the case, in this day and age, it’s fairly vital to have a good website to make sure these orders or enquiries do not go to a rival company.

Make Your Offer Attractive

Of course, the offer the leaflet is proposing must be an attractive one, and offering an attractive discount on your services is a sure fire way to generate a response, but here we are talking about the actual appearance of the leaflet itself.

A badly designed and poorly printed leaflet will ensure it will be consigned to the bin before it earns a second glance. So it is essential that if a door drop leaflet is to succeed, it must be professionally designed to stand out and ensure it catches the eye of the reader.

This could even be while they are on their way to the recycle bin. How many times have you seen a leaflet and until that moment not realised you wanted/needed what was on offer?

A professional leaflet design will not be as expensive as it sounds, there are plenty of good graphic designers who will design a leaflet for a modest fee.

Choose a Professional Printing Co.

When your marketing message is committed to the printed page, you want to make sure the paper quality and print reflects the professionalism of your business and the value of the product or service being sold.

Professional, established printers have the experience and knowledge of what papers or cards will make a good leaflet stand out from all the others and present your business in the right light. So select a reliable printer and listen to their advice.

What sort of service or product are you offering?
If it’s a high-value item then a good quality card would present this better than the cheaper paper alternatives.

Get a Professional Distributor

Distribution is the final and most important step in planning the perfect door drop campaign.

It is important to put the distribution into the hands of a reliable, experienced and thoroughly professional door to door delivery company. A well designed-planned leaflet campaign could fail because of poor distribution.

It’s very easy to assume that all distribution companies work the same and the cheapest price will be the best as it means you will get more for your money. This is not the case!

The Post Person™ doing the delivery should receive a fair rate for doing the job. An allowance should also be included for the company to manage and monitor the work being carried out.  Cheap distribution will only lead to corners being cut, resulting in poor coverage. You have paid good money for your leaflets to be designed and printed, they look good and will have an excellent impact on the doormat. Why take a chance with the cheapest distribution company?

In Summary

A door drop leaflet campaign will only succeed if it is well designed and planned. It cannot be successful unless it is approached in a professional manner, no matter how big or small the company planning the campaign is. An expert design with a well-written sales message and which is professionally printed will stand out from the competition. And finally, a reliable and experienced door to door delivery company is essential to complete the task.

With all of these components in place, a door drop leaflet campaign will stand every chance of succeeding and result in a good return on investment (ROI). This advice could make the difference between the success or failure of your door drop campaign.

Download Our Free Guide

The Essential Guide to successful door drop marketing includes information on how to carry out leaflet drops effectively