Kick Off 2022 with These Great Marketing Ideas

2022 the year to start your business

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It’s a New Year and, for many business owners, a great time to take stock of your marketing efforts. While we all think about New Year’s resolutions in our personal lives, such as getting fit or giving up a bad habit, when it comes to your company, it can be easy to get back to your desk and carry on as usual.

However, a brand new year can give you an excellent opportunity to shape your marketing strategy and ditch the bad habits that may be holding your company back from reaching its true potential.

So read on to discover how you can reach more customers, get a better return on investment and ultimately build a better business in 2022.

Review Your Strategy

According to a 2019 report, 46% of small business owners don’t know if their marketing efforts are effective! If you are one of them, it’s time to start measuring your return on investment (ROI).

Start by looking at any campaigns you have run over the previous year. Do they correspond with increased sales?

It’s dangerously easy to get stuck in a marketing rut and keep churning out the same old adverts, using the same old channels, which can lead to advertising fatigue from consumers.

If a particular campaign performed well, for example, a magazine advert – why not try replicating it across a different medium, such as using the same creative on a leaflet to be distributed in your local area.

Target Audience

Any marketing strategy should start with your target audience. For many companies, it may have formed the core of your initial marketing efforts, such as setting up your website, branding, and printed materials, but are you keeping on top of who your customers are, what they want, and most importantly – how best to reach them.

We are living in an era of rapid change, and your audience and their habits are likely evolving too. For example, are you using social media to advertise your business? If your ideal audience is the 18 – 24 market, and you’ve been using Facebook to reach them, it may be time to switch as over 3 million under 25’s are likely to quit using it or stop using it regularly.

There are over 600 television channels, 9,000 newspapers and magazines, 700 million websites, 400 radio stations but STILL only 1 Letterbox!

Leaflet Advertising

Leaflet distribution can be one of the best ways to reach potential customers exactly where you know they’ll be – their homes. Precise targeting allows you to get your marketing message in front of the households that perfectly match your target audience.

Age-old branding materials like mugs and office accessories are always well received; this new place for our printed pens has some relatively high tech options like USB memory cards and laser pointers. Surely no one would throw away such a thing.

From creating eye-catching leaflet designs made to garner attention, to helping you measure the success of your leaflet campaign and everything in between, we ensure that if leaflet advertising is part of your marketing strategy, it will be implemented to get you the best possible results.

So whatever your marketing objectives for 2022, find out how Dor-2-Dor can help you achieve them and help you grow your business.

Download Our Free Guide

The Essential Guide to successful door drop marketing includes information on how to carry out leaflet drops effectively