Teddington to Calais 147 Miles Charity Swim

Teddington To Calais 147 Miles Charity Swim

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Andy for Vitality Show PassDor-2-Dor are sponsoring Andy Nation on his 147 mile charity swim from Teddington to Calais.

Never one to be idle, Andy devised this latest venture in aid of two charities close to his heart. Why is he doing it?… Because it has never been done before. There are few challenges that break new ground (or sea) so it makes it more interesting to be the first to do something and it will set 2 new World records.
Swim training for the event has now been stepped up and Andy is a frequent visitor to Odyssey at Knebworth, who also happen to be a very good sponsor. Whilst he doesn’t train every day, when he does it is usually between 3 and 5 miles (192 – 320 lengths!).

Visit the website to see how many training miles he has swum.

On Diamond Jubilee Bank Holiday, 5th June 2012, Andy tripped on the lawn in his back garden and broke his neck leaving him paralyzed from the neck down. He was rushed to the local hospital and then transferred to Addenbrooke’s in Cambridge. After the traction failed to work, Surgeon Richard Mannion decided to operate. He realigned Andy’s vertebrae and fixed them with a graft of bone from his hip plus a titanium plate and screws. Due to Mr Mannion’s brilliant work and Andy’s great level of fitness, Andy recovered feeling in his arms and legs but was still very week. With his usual doggedness and determination, he started training again within two weeks and found that his time to swim a single mile had gone from 32 minutes up to 50 minutes. Training through the extreme pain in his back and both lower arms, that time is now down to 33.5 minutes and improving month by month. The new swim start date is August 2013.

Follow Andy Nation on Facebook for latest news and updates.

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