Leaflet Design Ideas to Captivate Your Audience

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Leaflets are a cost-effective way for you to market to new customers. There’s nothing quite like having some physical marketing collateral, and if you have an effective design, you’ll soon find that the results speak for themselves. With 79% of people saying that they’d keep, read or share a leaflet they’ve been given, it’s a great way for you to enhance your overall brand identity.

Take a look below to get some leaflet design ideas for your next marketing campaign. 

Creative Leaflet Design Ideas

A leaflet can’t contain everything you want to say, so you need to be creative and selective. Make sure that your copy is easy to read and that it is also skimmable. Any sentences need to be short, and you also need to break up blocks of copy by using shorter paragraphs. Serif typefaces are the easiest to read.

If you want to be creative, make sure you’re using colour. There’s a reason why leaflets are full of colour too. Research has shown time and time again that colour leaflets are 70% more likely to be kept than black and white leaflets. Perceived value is higher with a colour leaflet too, so keep that in mind.

Lastly, to create a leaflet, size matters. A5, half of A4 (normal letterhead size) is the way to go. This is easy to push through most letterboxes without folding, and it’ll be a convenient size for readers. Be creative with your design, so you can fit a lot into a small space.

Top Tips for Designing Leaflets

If you want to design a leaflet then remember, less is more. Using a single page, or a space that is A5 or smaller means that every inch of space is premium. Don’t be tempted to try and cram everything in, or your leaflet will soon end up in the recycling bin. Identify the key messages you have and create a clear call to action.

Be sure to incorporate traditional elements too. Handmade graphics, including hand-drawn illustrations and hand lettering, can make your leaflet more personable. It’s a great way for you to add a little more detail too.

Remember, just because you’re designing a printed leaflet, that doesn’t mean you can’t go the extra mile with some digital extras. You can add a QR code to the leaflet to encourage your visitors to go to your website with ease. You can also add a discount for anyone who may go on to purchase your goods.

Inspirational Leaflet Design Ideas

It doesn’t matter how pretty or how enticing your leaflet is, because if you want it to inspire your customers, you have to make sure that your message is getting across. The key function of your leaflet is to give you a good ROI, so make it easy to read.

If you’re advertising a marketing event, be sure to add the date, time and venue. Website addresses and even contact information have to stand out from the crowd, and you should be using a bold or different font to make sure it’s all easy to read.

If you want your leaflet to be inspirational, don’t overcrowd it. Leave the reader wanting to know more, and pique their interest. Simplicity is everything, so focus on creating an inviting approach.

Eye-catching Design Ideas for Leaflets: 5 Effective Leaflet Design Strategies

If you want five tips that will help you to hone in on the design for your leaflet, take a look below.


When creating a leaflet, typography is everything. Classic, script or serif fonts help to evoke a traditional feel and they also add a feeling of elegance to your leaflet. 

Borders and Frames

Next up, your border. Make sure that you incorporate some kind of border or frame to your content, so you can opt for that vintage look. This will help you to add a touch of sophistication.

Hand-Drawn Illustrations

Hand-drawn illustrations can add a real personal touch to your leaflet. They also help to create a charming narrative, from a visual standpoint. 

Classic Layout

Stick to a grid-based layout and provide a level of balance and clarity if you can. Clear hierarchy is everything, as it is the best way for you to organise your content effectively.

Ornamental Elements

Ornamental elements can be incorporated for extra flair. They can be used to separate sections, or even to add visual interest.

Modern Design

If you can, you should make sure that you’re including modern elements in your leaflet design. Consider adding a QR code, or a social media link. Modern elements like this are key to creating a leaflet that stands out from the crowd.

Designing the Best Leaflets: Tips and Tricks

In the marketing world, AIDA is an acronym that stands for:

  • Attention
  • Interest
  • Desire 
  • Action

If you can cover all four of these elements, your leaflet will look instantly better. Capture the attention of your potential customer first, before piquing their interest by adding an eye-catching image. Convince your audience that you’re offering what they want with desire, and then encourage them to take action by adding a phone number or email address.

Unique Ideas for Leaflet Design

Retro colours are in, so use them. Opting for a colour palette that reflects a vintage or a retro tone could be the best way to express the fun and exciting elements of your brand. Consider using earthy colours, or experiment with distressed effects. Vintage patterns can also be used if you want to give your leaflet a unique slant. It can help you to enhance the traditional vibe of your leaflet and it can also be used in backgrounds, borders or even with decorative elements.

So as you can see, it’s easy for you to captivate your audience by simply utilising some of the above tips. If you take the time to think about the design of your leaflet and consider the selling points of your brand, it’ll become much easier for you to create a leaflet that stands the test of time, while giving you the edge when marketing your company to new customers.

Download Our Free Guide

The Essential Guide to successful door drop marketing includes information on how to carry out leaflet drops effectively