World Cup 2014: A great advertising opportunity

World cup brazil 2014

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Football supporters across the country are getting caught up in the excitement as the 2014 World Cup begins, whether they are usually avid football fans or not. It is a time when everyone comes together because it signifies summertime, relaxation and excitement. However, it is also a brilliant opportunity for advertising. During this time it is a great opportunity to attract attention by utilising the event, especially when it comes to leaflet distribution.

How can you make the World Cup work for you and your business?

We’ve had many clients using a very clever and effective technique. They have printed their leaflets with a special planner on the back, allowing people to track the games, winners and losers and qualifiers. This offers 2 benefits: the clients are engaging with the leaflet and making a mental link between the company and this helpful item. They are therefore keeping and often referring to the leaflet.

Encouraging clients to keep and use your leaflets is one of the main aims of leaflet distribution and this simple solution tackles both in one swift move.

However, this is very much a time dependant tactic. If the leaflets are still circulating after the World Cup has finished they are unlikely to be kept around. If they are delivered after this date customers will associate your brand with being out of date and behind the times. So, once the World Cup is over and your customers have disposed of the leaflet, it is the perfect time to send out a newly designed leaflet with a fresh current message. Their readers will then see the new leaflet, remember how useful the last one was and automatically be interested in what is written on its replacement.

Tips for your World Cup leaflet

  • Make sure your brand and company is clear. This is to ensure your customer associates the helpful leaflet with your business, rather than assuming it is a random World Cup freebie.
  • Offer something to ensure they keep the leaflet: this could be a World Cup planner; a list of winners from the last 20 years; a match tracker.
  • Make the leaflet bright and summery, but don’t fill it with too much information as this might alienate your customers.
  • Do consider the type of customer you are delivering to – while a broad range of people are interested in the World Cup, not everyone is.
  • Send out a follow up leaflet to capitalise on the link they have made between your company and this useful leaflet, but make sure it’s current and forgets the World Cup theme – Unless of course England Win that is!!

Download Our Free Guide

The Essential Guide to successful door drop marketing includes information on how to carry out leaflet drops effectively