7 Reasons Why You Should Invest in a Leaflet Distribution Campaign

7 Reasons Why You Should Invest In A Leaflet Distribution Campaign

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In today’s digital age, research shows that consumers are beginning to show signs of digital fatigue. Look at your own email, how many marketing emails do you receive on a daily basis?

This means there is a great opportunity to increase your brand exposure and acquire new customers with good, old-fashioned leaflet distribution. This advertising channel offers a very effective route to market for your business enabling it to rise above all the digital noise.

One of our regular frequently asked questions when prospective advertisers are considering a door drop campaign is how much is it going to cost? However, more importantly, what they should be considering is what will be my likely return on investment (ROI).

This is a reasonable question to ask because you do not want to invest a lot of your hard earned cash into a campaign without knowing how much profit you are going to make. The good news is there is an easy way to figure this out using our Return On Investment Calculator.

With leaflet distribution being so profitable, we have listed 7 reasons why you should invest in a leaflet distribution campaign today.

1. Digital Overload

Consumers are being exposed to over 120 e-mail messages and thousands of online ads each day and that number is likely to rise in the future. This means we are all now experiencing digital overload.  However, with print and leaflet distribution you can cut through the digital noise and drive better sales.

There are over 600 television channels, 9,000 newspapers and magazines, 700 million websites, 400 radio stations but STILL only 1 Letterbox!

2. People Prefer Print

With the right content and design, direct mail can be incredibly engaging.

We all really enjoy reading and handling printed sales literature and we spend longer reading a leaflet than reading a digital ad and often return to it again at a later date. A recent survey undertaken by the Royal Mail has revealed that leaflets are kept in the home for an average of 38 days whereas a digital message tends to be deleted instantly or simply disappears almost straight away.

3. Printed Mail Strengthens Branding

Leaflets are an excellent method for strengthening your brand awareness and keep your TOMA (Top of Mind Awareness) high. It has been estimated that 70% of people who receive printed leaflets spend more than a minute reading it.

A business could stay top of mind by delivering their leaflets to 20,000 homes every 4-6 weeks over an extended period. This would be much more effective than sending direct mail to 200,000 people one time and is an excellent way of strengthening your company’s brand.

4. Printed Leaflets Evoke Response

Printed leaflets encourage people to engage and respond. It has been calculated that printed mail receives 30 times higher response rates than digital advertising.

The positive emotional reaction to printed mail leads consumers to remember the physical ads better, which has an extended impact for easy recall when purchasing. Printed mail triggers the area of the brain responsible for value and desirability, which can signal a greater intent to purchase.

5. Printed Advertising Can Boost Digital Advertising

Combining a print campaign with digital advertising can benefit performance on both channels. Nowadays, people like to ‘check you out’ online before getting in touch. This means leaflet distribution can work alongside your digital marketing to promote your online channels and bridge the gap between print and digital.

To do this you should include your social media channels on your leaflet explaining the benefits of connecting. Another way to use print to support your digital marketing efforts is by providing an offer and driving consumers to a high-value lead magnet online.

6. Printed Leaflets Establish Trust

Research has proven that the printed word trusted much more than the digital word (Fake news is the realm of digital).

Although nowadays we receive so much more information through the internet and the digital media the information from digital media has proven to be not so convincing than when you see the information in your favourite printed publication. The research shows that 82 percent of millennials view printed messages on paper as more trustworthy than digital messages. It also appears that digital adverts are tainted by the fake news syndrome.

7. Expert Advice is Available

DOR-2-DOR has been an industry leader in leaflet distribution for over 30 years and if you take our expert advice on pricing, printing, design and distribution, your campaign is sure to run smoothly and generate you a great response.

What Next?

Now that you’ve learned how leaflet distribution can help your business drive sales, it’s time to put this information to work.

We will make sure your campaign will bring you the sales and customers you are looking for.

Download Our Free Guide

The Essential Guide to successful door drop marketing includes information on how to carry out leaflet drops effectively