How Leaflet Distribution Can Kick-Start Your New Business

How Leaflet Distribution Can Kick Start Your New Business

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All new businesses, regardless of the size of their operation or kind of product they sell all have one thing in common: they are all trying to grow.

Any form of advertising that will generate business and recommendations are helpful. This is where the tried and tested advertising tool comes in—leaflet distribution. Leaflet distribution can be certainly helpful when it comes to getting your brand or product out in the market. Here are some of the top reasons why:

It’s Quick

One of the main goals of every new business is to get their product out in the market as soon as possible. If you want to jumpstart your marketing campaign, leaflet distribution is a good opener.

Getting your ads on other mediums can take a while. Whereas, planning, drafting, creating and delivering your leaflets to your possible customers can be done in a matter of days.

Once your leaflets are out there, the response is almost as instantaneous as the distribution. Since they are produced fast, you can easily print more batches to reach more people.

It’s Cheap

Budget is a huge factor in deciding what those strategies are to be used in marketing your products, especially for new businesses. Leaflet distribution is cheaper compared to the other advertising tools that can deliver the same level of effectiveness and have the same amount of reach as leaflet distribution.

Leaflets are cost-effective and yield results as soon as they are distributed.

Social media is free, why bother to spend on leaflet distribution?
People can easily dismiss ads on social media whereas leaflets can be stored and referred to in the future. On the other hand, leaflets are tangible marketing tools that make them easy to be distributed among family and friends.


Space is an expensive entity in advertising, every inch has a price. Somehow, leaflets do not appear to be affected by the increase in prices in ad space.

Leaflets have a lot of space for you to talk about your product. Television ads cost enormous amounts of money to deliver the message that you can easily print on a leaflet for a fraction of the cost. Newspaper and magazine ads are just as costly but also buried inside pages of news articles.

Take advantage of the space, put the best images of your product, come up with catchy phrases or taglines and make your leaflet stand out, it’s a front page advert on every doormat and you only get one chance to make a first impression.

Offer Deadlines

Placing vouchers or discount coupons in your leaflets is an effective way of making sure that people read and keep them. On the plus side, it is also a good way of generating quick revenue.

Think about it, if you put expiry dates on your vouchers and discount coupons, the customers who really intend to avail your product will do so before the vouchers and discount coupons expire.

Early income is vital for every new business even if they come in small increments. It helps the motor running and motivates entrepreneurs to push their marketing a step further.

There are more media choices than ever before.
600 Television Channels, 400 Radio Stations, 9,000 Magazines & Newspapers, 100 Million Websites. But Still Only 1 LETTERBOX

Download Our Free Guide

The Essential Guide to successful door drop marketing includes information on how to carry out leaflet drops effectively