How Well is Your Marketing Really Working

So You Think Marketing Is Easy

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When it comes to your business, marketing is just shouting about what you do to as many people as you can, but if that is what everyone is doing how do you differentiate your company from other’s and make it heard through the noise?

First you need to know your USP (unique selling proposition), this is what makes your company different from your competitors and then is your USP enough? Most companies don’t give enough time to their marketing activities; they put out as many messages as possible without testing their responses, all marketing works! Some think – No, it’s a case of how do you work the ways of marketing, from leafleting to online social media to newspaper ads, then it’s the time of year, people buy certain products at certain times, it’s better to market when people are buying than when they are not, this is prudent planning to drive traffic to your phones or websites.

Marketing is really and truly forward planning to offer value to customers when your product or service is needed and conveying the message in the best way appropriate.

Now you know what marketing is, but how do you use all the different media that is out there effectively? This is where talking to professionals in each industry is important; Providers who know their service know how best to use it for your business, don’t get caught in a numbers game – It is far better to focus a product or service to a demographic than to blast a message to a random audience. Consider carefully who might be interested in what you are offering and run a test campaign in a particular area or to a specific audience. Carefully monitor the response and where you achieve a good result run the campaign again with minor modifications. Where you didn’t achieve a good result is probably not a suitable audience for your product but you could try a completely different approach with a completely different theme to see if that changes the outcome. For example: A computer company promotes that it solves a network problem, customer has downloading issues? A suitable message might be; Computer Running Slow? Or Is your PC Misbehaving? A builders workmanship covers; roofs, walls, guttering, groundwork, fences, if house owners experience leaky roofs in winter, focus your headline on this problem i.e. Local Builder Can Fix your Leaky Roof!

The more client orientated or focused your message is to the product or service, the better the response will be, but you have to test what will work! With the internet being as it is, this makes it easier to test and build messages that matter, and then use offline messages to hit a broader audience or a more relevant market for your product or services.

DOR-2-DOR are specialist offline marketers, with knowledge and expertise to help you target and make better messages. We want to put your name in every house in your targeted area, your front page advert on every doormat. If your catchment area is local or covers a wider region we can help you to get the clients you need. Whether your budget is large or small we can provide result that will give you a worthwhile return on your investment.

DOR-2-DOR offer a free consultation to get your business marketed and understands your marketing needs. Leafleting can be used in so many ways from targeting to brand building, leafleting can be a cost effective sales tool for your business. Why help promote someone else’s business in a shared media when you can have your winning headline on a leaflet on every doormat.
Give us a call today and give your business the front page targeting it deserves!

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The Essential Guide to successful door drop marketing includes information on how to carry out leaflet drops effectively