What’s the best month to advertise your business?

Best Month To Advertise

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Well, the answer to that question may surprise you.

Unless you are selling things related to Christmas, December is one of the worst months to try selling.

According to those who know these things, the beginning of the year is a great time to be selling. So January is always a good month to advertise your business.

Of course, there are many enterprises who are aware the opportunities that the month of January offers them.

new year fit

There will be the usual rush of leaflets from people selling Gym memberships and promoting nutritional detox diets.

These leaflets will be jostling with all the other products and services that go with helping people get over the adverse effects of over indulging in the previous few weeks.

However, January is also the month when people start to look ahead.

Estate agents are aware of this and send their leaflets out offering their services to people who may be thinking of moving. But estate agents are not the only businesses who could profit from people who are thinking of moving. Anyone who is thinking of moving will want their house and garden looking at its best.

So if you are involved in garden care, decorating, cleaning, building, plumbing or generally improving homes, your leaflets should be landing on doormats in early January.

Many people will also want to start the New Year by giving their house and garden a well-needed facelift. It’s not only those who are thinking of moving.

If your leaflet is designed to put the idea of a fresh look to their home you will certainly reap the benefits of a January leaflet drop.

Whatever business you are, January is the best month to start selling.

January Sales

You should be preparing for a January leaflet drop now.

If you are thinking of using a new leaflet you should start having it designed as soon as possible. You should also start to book your printer and your distributor now.

But why not let DOR-2-DOR take the stress out of it all for you and let us arrange the designing, printing and distribution of your leaflets.

Get in touch and we can arrange everything for you. We will make sure you and your business have a happy New Year and we will also help you to enjoy continued success throughout the year.

Download Our Free Guide

The Essential Guide to successful door drop marketing includes information on how to carry out leaflet drops effectively