Advertising Must Pay

Advertising must pay

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How often have you watched a television advertisement and wondered “what exactly are they selling?” Or if you are somehow involved in the advertising business you may have asked yourself “was this ad a success, did it increase the client’s sales and make them money?”

In the glory days of television advertising, when budgets were huge and agencies were making large profits, it seemed to appear that art directors were more interested in making television ads that won awards, rather than ones that increased their client’s sales or brand awareness.

However, this problem rarely bothers companies who use leaflet distribution to promote their goods or services. These advertisers are acutely aware that their leaflet distribution campaigns must bring in results.

And that means increased sales and profits.

Print is still important

Leaflet distribution and direct mail have become an integral part of many large organisations advertising campaigns.

They are often used in conjunction with television and digital advertising, as many advertising managers have recognised the value of advertising material delivered through people’s letterboxes.

They have learned that printed material is pivotal in driving traffic to their companies web site, and they are also aware of the psychological advantage of that having something that people can touch and hold, gives leaflets an extra advantage over message shown on screen, and this helps make their campaigns profitable.

But, for smaller companies who choose to use only leaflet distribution to promote their wares, there are a few psychological methods that can be applied when they produce their door drop leaflets.

Weight counts

One of the biggest advantages that printed sales promotion leaflets have over digital ones, is they can be held. When people receive a leaflet that can be read while they are holding it, they give a value on it that they will not give to a digital message.

However, there is a way to make prospective customers values some door drop leaflets over others; and that is its weight.

A recent survey of people who visited restaurants, found that if the cutlery items were heavy, people expected to pay more for their meal.

Heavy weight knives, forks and spoons gave more value to what they were buying.

Get Heavy

Many businesses who use leaflet distribution, have found that a very similar thought process is applied to door drop leaflets that come through people’s letterboxes.

A heavier leaflet will more likely to be valued and kept longer than those printed on a lighter paper stock. A paper weight of at least 350gsm is recommended to give a leaflet gravitas.

Another tip, if the budget allows for the extra expense, a gloss or matt lamination will add even more value to a leaflet and ensure it is kept on display in the home longer than its competitors.

Keep up with the new

As the internet, e-mail, apps etc. continue to vie for prospective customer’s attention with more and more inventive ways to achieve this, it is important that the leaflet distribution industry to be aware of the advantage it has over its on screen rivals, that of tangibility.

However, businesses who use leaflets to advertise themselves should not rest on their laurels. They should always be on the lookout for new ways to add value to their leaflets. The printing industry is constantly evolving and will offer many new and innovative ways to their customers.

And these customers who use the medium of leaflet distribution and embrace these new innovations will see their leaflet campaigns succeed in bring new customers and sales, and more importantly, profits.

Download Our Free Guide

The Essential Guide to successful door drop marketing includes information on how to carry out leaflet drops effectively