Card vs Paper: The Modern Approach to Leafleting

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Getting the message out about your services and your company is one thing, but reaching the right audience with the right message is quite another.

There are many different aspects to consider in relation to leaflet dropping and it is not just a simple matter of printing your message and sending it out. The paper or card that you print on can have a surprising effect on the overall message and the impact you are delivering. So is paper or card the right option for you?

For every collection of post that drops through your door each day, there will be some pieces that catch the eye and deserve a second look and those that get instantly dropped into the bin without further investigation (not to mention the dreaded credit card and utility bills, etc). So the question is, what is it that creates that need for a second glance and how can you recreate it? We often judge things on visual first impressions, so if it looks out of the ordinary it will catch our attention. The most common leaflet to fall through our letterbox is the takeaway menu. These make regular appearances on our doormats simply because they work (so many of us love a takeaway), these colourful, glossy adverts are eyecatching and have retain-ability. However, they are usually printed on thin 100gsm stock and distributed in large quantities. This weight of paper however does not suit many businesses and much heavier stock 150gsm or 280gsm is more suitable for many other types of business. For businesses with a higher average sale it suggests high quality and professionalism and, quite simply, when carefully designed, look really good and send out a very positive message.

When a leaflet printed on a good quality material drops through the letterbox it is an effective form of advertising for many reasons. Firstly, it is aesthetically pleasing because of its structural integrity and old-fashioned appeal. Secondly, you automatically assume the company is legitimate because they are willing to spend money on their advertisements. Thirdly, householders will keep hold of them, place them in a draw for future reference and stick them on their fridges because they look good. Whether you are leaflet dropping to get the word out about a new offer or service, or simply to increase awareness of the company, the idea is to make a good impression and printing on heavier weight material is a recommended way of doing that.

One of the reasons why card leaflets are so appealing is because they are more unusual, the extra cost of printing is sometimes off-putting. So, businesses need to work out whether the aesthetic value is worth the additional cost and if that aspect will generate enough new business to make it a worthwhile strategy. Consider the amount of leaflets you will need, work out the best size for your promotion and spend some time with a leaflet distribution specialist getting a stunning design. The cost of 280gsm might be more than cheaper paper printing, but it is the attractive first impression that you are buying.

Download Our Free Guide

The Essential Guide to successful door drop marketing includes information on how to carry out leaflet drops effectively