Using a Discount on your Leaflet to Increase Response

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Everybody loves a bargain, particularly in the current economic climate and discounts and special offers can be used to significantly affect your marketing efforts. While this can work well in online campaigns, it’s particularly effective for leaflet distribution marketing. This article will discuss the dream team of leaflet distribution and discounts.

What is leaflet distribution?

As the name suggests, this is the act of handing out or delivering leaflets which advertise your business or product. While this may sound simple enough, there are a few different methods of getting your leaflets into the right hands, and in this section, we’ll take a look at some of these:

  • Solus distribution – Extremely popular with DOR-2-DOR customers, this kind of distribution involves delivering your leaflet – and only yours – to specially targeted customers’ doors. We do the legwork on targeting to ensure that your leaflets are delivered to the right areas to eliminate waste.
  • Shared distribution – A more cost-effective option. With shared distribution, we’ll deliver your leaflets to the doors of your potential customers along with other non-competing leaflets.
  • Hand-to-hand distribution – Ideal for those with a town centre business such as a shop, restaurant or beauty salon, our expert distribution team will put on their comfortable shoes and head to your local area to physically hand your leaflets to your potential new customers.

Using discounts to increase response rates

The point of any marketing campaign is, of course, to raise awareness and get those customers through the door and offering a discount or special offer is a brilliant way of doing just that. In this section, we’ll dive deeper into discounts and share our tips on getting the maximum results:

All about time

Although offering any kind of discount is a great idea, you don’t want to go all DFS on your potential customers by implying that the discount will be up for grabs forever.

The key to nailing discounts on your leaflets is to inspire a sense of FOMO to get those shoppers heading to your door. A great way to do this is to concentrate your discount’s time limit to a day or a weekend.

An example of this might be a town centre restaurant giving out leaflets which contain a voucher for a free drink or a 15% discount on meals for that day only. This inspires a sense of urgency in recipients, who perceive that they will miss out if they don’t hotfoot it to the restaurant for lunch and a break from their shopping.

For this to work well, it’s best to run your campaigns at weekends when people have more time as they’re not rushing back to work or picking the kids up from school. If, however, you want to run weekday campaigns to drum up business during quiet times as a food-based business, you could consider running an ‘express lunch’ special offer to be advertised on your leaflets.

Financial targeting

Custom tends to ebb and flow for many types of businesses, including the food and drink sector, with certain days and times being particularly slow.

A leaflet campaign with a discount can be a great way of ramping up business during these quiet times; for example, if Mondays are your quietest days, a specific Monday offer can help address the balance and bring in much-needed revenue. Additionally, this kind of campaign can help to bring in more businesses during traditionally quiet times of the year, such as the period following the new year when budgets tend to be tight.

Fighting the fear of the unknown

Many people tend to be careful with their hard-earned cash more so than ever in 2023 and this means that they often prefer to stick to what they know rather than risk spending their money on trying something new. Offering a discount on a leaflet campaign can help to remove the risk factor for the customer, who will be more willing to give you a go if they’re not paying full price. With most high streets filling up with big-name brands, it can be challenging for the independent business to tempt customers away from what they know, but a discount or special offer can often be the catalyst for making this happen.

Local Offers Leaflet Distribution

Why choose leaflet marketing?

I know what you’re thinking; I can use discounts just as easily online, right? You can, of course, offer discounts through your online and social media advertising. However, there are some excellent reasons for choosing leaflet marketing, and some of these are:

  • Locality – If you’re offering a ‘right here, right now’ discount in a local area, an online offer can easily be missed by customers who are busy shopping or socialising and will often not be seen until it’s too late, whereas being handed a leaflet while out and about is likely to be much more compelling.
  • Success rate – Studies show that, even in 2023, people respond more favourably to receiving a physical leaflet than to a random online advert that can so easily be scrolled past.
  • Retention – Unlike an online or social media advert, a leaflet can be popped into a handbag or a drawer, meaning that even if the customer doesn’t take action immediately, there’s a good chance they may do so in the future. In fact, figures show that a whopping 79% of leaflet recipients either hang onto them or give them to somebody else.
  • Cost-effective – Many people assume that online advertising is cheaper than other methods, but this is rarely the case. Online advertising, such as PPC, tends to be a little scattergun in its targeting, meaning that a lot of your budget is wasted. On the other hand, leafleting is laser targeting specific individuals, meaning there is minimum waste and maximum results.

We’re good on paper

In an increasingly busy marketplace, getting and staying ahead of the competition can be like trying to nail jelly to a wall, and businesses need every advantage they can get if they want to survive.

At DOR-2-DOR, our experts are on hand to help you to find those all-important customers and then lead them by the hand to your door. From designing your leaflet to helping you profile and target your ideal customer, we have what it takes to ensure you get the maximum results with the minimum waste.

If you’re ready to start your leaflet discount campaign, our friendly and professional customer service team is ready to provide advice or a free, no-obligation quote today.

Download Our Free Guide

The Essential Guide to successful door drop marketing includes information on how to carry out leaflet drops effectively