Valentine’s Day is coming… are you offering them their heart’s desires?

Valentines day advertising

Reading Time: 2 minutes

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We are less than ten days away from Valentine’s Day, and this is the day when restaurants, pubs and other places of entertainment should be doing their utmost to attract customers to their premises to spend their money.

Valentines day advertisingBecause competition is fierce in this area, especially on February the 14th, many business owners will be offering an incentive to lure customers in.

A free bottle of wine, two for the price of one and many other incentives to maximise profits on Valentine’s Day.

These entrepreneurs know the value of a good incentive. But people who are not in the catering and entertainment businesses are also aware that many prospective customers are attracted by the chance of getting something for nothing.

Put Your Valentine’s Day Offer in the right place

The mistake most people make is not putting their offer first. The majority of advertisers tend to leave the incentive until the end of their copy or sales message. This means their prospects must read to the end of the message before they are aware of an incentive.

The best place to put your free offer is at the head of your copy. This will encourage your prospect to continue reading about all of the benefits you have listed.

Those people who have a website with a landing page should endeavour to repeat the offer on their landing page at least three times, once at the beginning of the sales message, once more in the middle of the copy and again at the end (If you do not have a website, you really should get one. If you need any advice on how to get a website, please contact us at DOR-2-DOR. We can help you.).

Is Greed Good?

It is a fact, and maybe a sad fact is that greed is one the most powerful emotions to use when trying to persuade people to do something.

The “What’s in it for me?” factor is often utilised by copywriters when writing sales copy and an offer of a free gift or a major discount on price are some of the incentives they advise people to use in their advertising.

However, many advertisers do not use their offer to its best advantage. And the mistake they make is easy to correct once it is pointed out to them.

Are You Ready?

If you are in the catering or entertainment business you should already have your leaflet distribution campaign in hand.

However, if you have yet to get your campaign ready, it is not too late. Contact us NOW and we will get you up and running, and we will put your incentive first.

Download Our Free Guide

The Essential Guide to successful door drop marketing includes information on how to carry out leaflet drops effectively