How to make leaflet distribution work for you

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In today’s digital era, there are still many people who prefer getting the information first hand.

Leaflet distribution is the most reliable method for getting knowledge about local services from a direct source. But as most people rely more on social media and digital information, there are certain ways to boost up the process and make this service work for you. We present you some tips to start of 2015 the right way and to make sure that your leaflet distribution proves to be effective for your business.

Perfect location and time

First and foremost, the location you choose for your leaflet distribution can play a very significant role in ensuring effective dissemination of your leaflets. The choice of your location may define the type of audience you would like to attract. For example, if your target is to get the attention of professionals you may deliver the leaflets in commercial areas or you may target students near schools, colleges and university campuses. In such cases, timings can also play a crucial role. For instance, a business targeting university students may like to attract them around their university union and in their fresher’s week. This is likely to generate interest or awareness from a particular targeted audience.

Hand to hand leaflet distribution

As suggested previously, distributing your leaflet directly to the target audience may help attract their attention. It can also add a personal touch – as the audience may ask a variety of questions to the one who is handing the leaflet. In such cases, training the person who is distributing the leaflets can also benefit the organisation. This may also enable you to deliver a brief introduction to your business and take the audiences’ feedback on the information received.

Appearance of the leaflet

Moreover, the appearance or the design of your leaflet is very important. You may consider having a heading or a sub-section to attract the audiences’ attention. In all cases, try and keep it simple and straight forward. People do not like reading a lot of information – hence, the key is in keeping the message brief and straight to the point, at the end of the day the main object of a leaflet is to get the phone ringing or the website visitors up not explain every part of exactly what you are selling.

Commitment to your work

Leaflet distribution requires a lot of dedication, which requires time. A few leaflets are not going to make a huge difference. Leaflet distribution is all about numbers. If you deliver 1,000 leaflets to an area of 1,000 households with the average response being 0.9% (source DMA) you would get 9 responses to your leaflet as long as you have a good design etc. However, this result isn’t set in stone. To ensure you are producing results of this nature we suggest a good campaign should be no less than 10,000 leaflets.

If you have tried distributing leaflets before and this was not successful this doesn’t mean that this form of advertising doesn’t work, changing your approach and trying again would be beneficial. With the right techniques and the correct approach towards leaflet distribution, you can achieve your goal.

Download Our Free Guide

The Essential Guide to successful door drop marketing includes information on how to carry out leaflet drops effectively